Pros and Cons of a Palatal Expander

One of the common ways orthodontists treat teeth crowding problems and crossbites in the mouth is thru the use of a palatal expander. The device is attached to the back area of the mouth or to the upper jaw through a bonding system to the teeth or through the use of bands around the teeth. Palatal expanders are usually worn by the growing patient before braces are recommended. This way, there is more room for additional teeth in the mouth through the gradual work of the expander.


At Exeter Orthodontics, we view palatal extenders as effective method for getting more space in the mouth for more teeth before braces are worn. We also recommend the use of a palatal expander rather than baby teeth extraction. The device involves a small screw found at the center. To stimulate jawbone growth or space, the screw is turned daily using a special key. The turning is only at .02 angles every day so it is not painful for the child.


Pros of palatal expander


• With palatal extenders, your kid won’t have to undergo surgery just to remove unwanted teeth or excess tooth on the mouth.

• Because the nasal passages are increased with the device, snoring is reduced including mouth breathing. We typically recommend palatal extenders for mouth breathers as it can be a cause of sleep apnea.

• When detected and treated earlier, your child can do away with unnecessary tooth extraction, thereby saving natural teeth.

• With the use of palatal extenders, treating orthodontic issues becomes easier for us. The treatment also becomes cheaper with early intervention.


Cons of the device


Just like any other device or orthodontic treatment, a palatal expander has its downside that you need to be aware of if you are considering this option. For one, palatal expanders can be uncomfortable for the child and it may take a longer amount of time before you see the results. Another thing to consider is the timeliness of the treatment. This orthodontic treatment should be initiated before puberty and doing it after this stage may already be challenging. It also requires utmost attention for caring and cleaning.